Latest Episodes
Shamone Biles
Dukes and Tor are juiced up on today's episode of The Chad Dukes Show as the NFL returns this week
Nice Guy Dukesy
We are back after an eventful weekend. There was drama surrounding the Boss Hogg Hootenanny, Dukes hosted the fantasy football
I’m Mr. Fat
Dukes and Jester are joined by Dick Smokehand and very special guest Mike Hibler, former Manager of Dukes at Pizza
Boss Hog Friday Night Hootenanny
The Friday Night Hootenanny returns with The Cold Soldier and Smokey Mountain Joe facing off in a Monk's BBQ Boss
Friday Show: Episode 84
We had a huge week on The Chad Dukes Show! Today you will get to hear all about what is
Fortress Film Society: Lake Mungo
The FFS returns as we discuss Dukes' movie selection "Lake Mungo" from 2008. Additionally the show watched a horror film
I’d Drink His Sauce
Antman and Smokey Mountain Joe join Dukes and Jester in the Fortress for your Wednesday episode. The Virginia Pizza Crusade
Gaseous Clay
Dukes and Tor are chopping it up on a Tuesday in the Fortress with a lot to discuss. One show
Step Into A Stump
Dukes and Tor are in the studio today with a fit and full show for you beautiful listeners. Tor is
Hammering Slices
Dukes and Jester are joined by Antman in the Fortress for a full Friday episode. Antman came armed with burritos,
Fastest Hour In Radio: Episode 18
We have a brand new installment of the Fastest Hour In Radio. Do you think CM Punk recently went into
Don’t Better Yourself
Dukes and Jester are joined by Money Monk and Antman in the Fortress of Solid Dudes. Dukes is not happy
The Whole Loaf
We have a couple moral conundrums on today's Chad Dukes Show as well as revealing the fantasy football draft order,
The O.D.D.
It was a big weekend for the Chad Dukes Show. Tor had an unfortunate boating experience, Dukes has a new
Fortress Film Society: Extreme Prejudice
The FFS returns to discuss the release of the Wednesday Series trailer and we discuss Load Goat's movie selection "Extreme
21 Fry Salute
Dukes, Antman, Monk and Jester are in the Fortress with a special guest in studio. Dukes checks in with the
CDS Interview: Stephen Cognetti
Chad Dukes sits down to interview Director and Writer Stephen Cognetti. Stephen is well known for his work with Hell
The Arnold Pocket
Schoode and Tor are here with a big show on a Wednesday. Dukes revisited a classic superhero movie, we have
Crab Walkin’
Big Shooter & Gigantor are in the studio today with a full recap of our event at the Tally Ho
The Chad Dukes Show 500th Episode
Our 500th episode live from the Tally Ho Theater is finally here with the full cast and crew in front
Sold Dudes
Loud Goat joins Dukes and Jester for a full Friday episode. We play name that price on Dukes trip to
Sweet And The Saltry Poultry
Barty Jannetty from the Rodkast joins Dukes, Antman and Jester on this Thursday episode and has an announcement. We toss
Big Shoode Special Guest Appearance
Would You Kindly 126: Radio host Chad Dukes joins the show. Fast food tropes. Live Theater Show in Virginia. They
Let’s Have A Pop Quiz
It's a big episode of the Chad Dukes Show today. Dukes made a late night purchase along with having to