Latest Episodes
Crusty Biscotti
Erik Davis from Fandango & Rotten Tomatoes joins today's show to discuss the new 'Halloween' movie and all the new
The Cake Factory
Shood and Tor are back in the Fortress with their notes from NFL Week 6, and we have a show
The Friday Show: Week 40
This isn't your typical free Friday show. Today we have 50 minutes of fresh content for all you listeners out
The Fastest Hour In Radio: Episode 9
Dukes, Tor, & Loud Goat join together in the Fortress to go over all the biggest stories of the day
The Hibachi
This Thursday is chocked full of hilarity with Ant Man providing his weekly BMI segment, we also give our weekly
Tattoo Time, You Horse’s Ass
What a Wednesday it is friendos! We have a major call in from a show member, we answer you questions
The First Annual Autumn Chad Dukes Show Sasquatch Hunt And Fish Fry
Our live show at Flying Ace Farm this past Saturday is here for all of you listeners who either couldn't
Hey Man Are You Okay?
The incredibly talented Dorsey Art drops by the studio today to spend a little time on the program. We also
Young & Supple
We are back in studio after being at Flying Ace Farm for our live event this past Saturday & we
Best Of Week 39
What a week is was on the Chad Dukes Show. This week we had a new beef in the NFL,
Chad Footy
Our event at Flying Ace Farm in Lovettsville is only 2 days away friendos and we have some more details
The Fortress Film Society: Mayhem
Dukes, Goat, Dotty, and Tor reconvene to review Dukes' movie selection, Mayhem. The society also provides reactions to all the
The C&C Thiccness Factory
It's a big episode of the Chad Dukes Show today. We had Solomon Wilcots on the show to discuss the
80lbs Of Hushpuppies
Today on the Chad Dukes Show we get thoughts from Dukes on Monday Night Football, the new Urban Meyer situation,
O-Fer & Zilch
It was a thicccc weekend for Shoode & Monday shows are where you get all the details. Chad gives his
My Finishing Maneuver
The Chad Dukes Show Friday Night Hootenanny is back and we had a stacked show this past Friday. Ant Man
Best Of Week 38
Welcome back to the Chad Dukes Show Best Of, this week was a doozy, we had a recap of some
Money Monk joins us on this special Thursday episode of The Chad Dukes Show to provide a surprise for the
I’m Leaking
Damon Martin from MMA Fighting joins today's show to discuss the latest Jon Jones news, we also celebrate Aquemini's 23rd
Caught Up
Erik Davis joins today's show to give us the breakdown of all the biggest movie news. Dukes had a very
Chad Stafford
This past Sunday was full of hijinks and we're in studio today to give you the full break down. Plus
Best Of Week 37
It was a very fun week on the Chad Dukes Show. We had a call in from the great Reverend
The Fortress Film Society: Confessions Of A Dangerous Mind
The FFS returns to review Tor's movie choice, Confessions of A Dangerous Mind. Plus we get more Autumn seasonal food
The Immortal Soil
It's a fat Thursday episode of the Chad Dukes Show. We have Ant Man on for his weekly segment, the